The Fish Hawk Lithium Ultra Probe transmits speed and temperature data at depth, and the true depth of your downrigger using water pressure. The Ultra is compatible with its predecessor, the X4D.
The maintenance-free probe is 40% smaller than its predecessor and provides more than 50-hours of fishing time on a single full charge. The Fish Hawk Electronics Lithium Series incorporates four decades of experience with the lithium power anglers expect in modern electronics.
Underwater currents make trolling speeds at depth unpredictable. Temperature throughout the water column can change dramatically. Fish Hawk Electronics delivers speed and temperature data at depth to make trolling more efficient and effective. You can’t get this information from traditional fishing electronics.
Customer Service is always very helpful, and go the extra mile to help solve any difficulties I may be having. They were very responsive via email and by phone. They really try hard.
Customer service guy was off the charts awesome!
It works awesome!!!! So nice to not have to worry about batteries or water getting into the probe. It is much smaller so there is minimal blow back. Refresh rate for information is much faster. Overall a HUGE upgrade from the previous probes. Highly recommend this product, plus they are a great company!!!
Seems to be better than the original. Long battery life will be better. And complete waterproof encasement is a huge plus.
Slow to change from the old probe (stubborn ole cap) but happy to have this updated version!! Definitely redesigned and improved performance that delivers its promises! less blowback and quicker info which helps pinpoint down breaks with accuracy! The most important electronic on boat besides vhf radio ? great job Fish Hawk! thanks for the support and years of great products … Captain Kurt Driscoll Stalker sport fishing Western Lake Ontario
Have not used it yet much smaller than the old unit charging system works well can’t wait to try it out
Worked very well. Especially liked the fact that it is completely sealed. No wires or batteries to contend with. Also, much less blow back.
Just purchased, it’s the first week of April can’t wait for marina to open to drop boat in slip. Added new Fish Hawk LITHIUM ULTRA PROBE with my X4D really like new profile and sensor placement on this probe. And 4 new CANNON OPTIMUM electric downriggers. Excited to have one boat network. It’s sure to be an awesome season!!
High quality product, easy to charge great new design.