The Fish Hawk TD - How To Get The Most From Your TD

Posted by Chris Larsen on 8th Jun 2023

The Fish Hawk TD - How To Get The Most From Your TD

The Fish Hawk TD is a versatile tool that helps anglers collect vital information for catching more fish. There are two modes on the TD, By Temp Mode(water temperature every 5’) and By Depth Mode(maximum depth reached). When using the By Temp Mode, simply lower the TD into the water column. The TD will display temperature readings throughout the water column every five feet. When using the By Depth Mode, simply snap the TD onto your line and let it free slide down the line to your diver, lure, or ball weight. Reel the line in and the TD will give you the maximum depth information. This is a great way to find out how deep your lines are running.

Trevor Sumption from Fish Hawk Electronics discussed the versatility of the Fish Hawk TD on the 2023 Virtual Great Lakes Fishing Show. You can view this portion of the show by pressing play on the YouTube video below. In the video, he details how the Fish Hawk TD can be a valuable piece of equipment, even if you already have a Fish Hawk X4D, X4, or X2.

Fish Hawk TD

“It’s a really valuable piece of equipment to add to the arsenal. First, there's nothing faster. And what I mean by that is in the temperature mode, it shows you the water temperature every five feet. If you're a guy like me, right, and fish on the weekend, and I don't know where the temp is. If I don't know where I'm going, it is way faster to send the TD down on a rod and reel with a weight, you know, two, three ounces. With the TD, it's way faster to run out to a hundred feet of water drop the TD down and see my water temp every five feet than it is to run out, lower a downrigger, and raise a downrigger.”

“So that's application number one. Application number two is knowing where your tackle is running. You can set the TD to what we call the by-depth mode, where it gives you the maximum depth. You have your Dipsy Diver out there running. You clip that thing over the line, turn it on, and let it slide down to the Dipsy Diver.”

“It'll tell you the maximum depth to the nearest foot. Let's say you're gonna pull that Dipsy anyway, and it's out 175 on a number two. Before you clear that line to change lures or maybe you're done for the day, run the TD down. Crank it in and write the information down. Over the course of a few days of fishing or a month of fishing, you end up with a lot of data. Then at that point, you can go back, make a spreadsheet at home, and now you have a depth chart for how your tackle runs. The stuff on the back of the package sometimes gets you close, sometimes it's not even close. Who runs Dipsy Divers on 25-pound mono anymore?”

“You can go out and spend a whole day going through your tackle. I don't like dropping divers or copper and reeling it back in more than anybody else does, certainly not these guys that do it every day. So just by accumulating that data over the course of a season or a couple of weeks, you just keep filling in your spreadsheet. And you end up with a lot of data pretty quickly.”

So instead of going out and spending a day checking your lines, Trevor recommends checking your lines as you bring them in, whether to change lures or at the end of a trolling day. This way, you gather the data without wasting a day of fishing. It’s a brilliant and easy way to gather important data about how gear works on your boat. This will help you get your trolling spread working as efficiently as possible by knowing exactly where your lines are running.

For more information about the Fish Hawk TD or to order one, click here

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